More Self-Storage facilities open in Spain
There have been a vast increase in the number of self-storage facilities open in Spain and the UK in the past 5 years.
Awareness amongst the general public and business has grown significantly as well. The public and business realise the effectiveness of quality, secure, short to medium term self-storage for many reasons.
Self-storage in Spain is useful for all types of household, personal and commercial storage.
Business is never idle. It is the survival of the fittest out there, adapt or die. New or start-up businesses require as low a cost base as possible. Self-storage is one area this can be utilised to maximum effect.
Self-Storage facilities open in Spain on the Costa del Sol
A new or start-up business owner can rent the smallest space required. Generally for a short period normally a month at a time. This means no commitment to long-term leases.
This saves on rent and of course rates, also electric water and insurance. New businesses can use the flexibility of self-storage to their own advantage. If a business requires more space it is easy to just rent an additional unit instead of hiring expensive office space. This makes any seasonal variations of the space requirements of a business easy to manage.
Established businesses have additional reasons that self-storage may be appropriate for them. They may require self-storage due to a re-location plan. The flexibility of self-storage can be beneficial, rather than committing to expanding your own premises or indeed moving to a larger commercial unit with all the cost implications that it will bring with it.
Some businesses may need to downsize. Downsizing a business from a commercial unit to self-storage has the benefit of making the business more flexible.
Established Businesses
An established business may have been operating from home for some time. Self-storage can be a first step in separating the business from family/home life.
Nationally based businesses often have satellite storage requirements that are too small to justify taking on the lease of a commercial building. Self-storage depots which are normally conveniently located to the motorway system have long access hours and are secure. They provide the ideal location for employees to access goods and equipment.
Householders appreciate flexible and secure local self-storage facilities and in recent years have taken advantage of the new self-storage companies on the Costa del Sol.