5 Tips on How to Organize Your Home
We have plenty of advice on how to organize your home within our storage blog. Where we try to cover everything from organizing a home office to preparing your entire belongings ready to move house.
Here we take a quick look at these 5 handy tips on how to organize your home:
- Write a list of where to start
- Organize a room at a time
- Make it easy to access cupboards
- Be practical in the kitchen
- No need to buy extra storage boxes
5 Tips on How to Organize Your Home
Write a list of where to start
The first of our tips on how to organize your home is getting organised before you’ve even started. It can often seem a daunting task if you’ve let things get on top of you. However, if you write a list of what needs doing, tidying up won’t necessarily look so bad. Those small jobs can be crossed off almost straight away, leaving the larger ones easier to deal with.
Organize a room at a time
This is a good way to stay focussed and start to see some progress along the way. Start one room at a time, in particular with those rooms you use the most. Once everything is in its place, there are simple tips on keeping it that way. It’s always a good idea to keep your bedroom tidy, but at the very least make your bed every morning. That way you go to sleep knowing you’ve at least kept one room as planned.
Make it easy to access cupboards
There’s no point deciding you’re going to do the housework once a week if you have to empty a cupboard to get to the vacuum cleaner. Likewise, if you pile boxes in front of the wardrobe, you’re more likely to just leave clothes on the bedroom floor.
Be practical in the kitchen
The same can be said about the kitchen cupboards. If there are pots and pans that are rarely used, put them to the back. Do the washing up as you go along, cleaning the dinner plates before you settled down for the evening. When it comes to the food shop, keep like for like items together, such as tins and products with longer shelf life. Not only will it look tidier, but you can easily take a stock check on anything that’s running low.
No need to buy extra storage boxes
It’s one thing making the most of any storage boxes you already have, but buying extra can become unnecessary. Work out how much storage space you have to begin with. Remember to utilise shelves in the top of wardrobes or space under the bed. If you think you may start to run out of room, then consider if it’s time to have a clear out. If you buy storage boxes straight away, it’s all too easy to just pile things away and forget about them.
Business for Sale in the Costa del Sol
As well as providing storage solutions for both home and office, uStore-it currently have a franchise business for sale in the Costa del Sol. If you’re interested in joining our low-cost franchise opportunity in Spain, contact uStore-it for more information. Alternatively, fill in our Franchise Enquiry Form which can be found here.