uStore-it Self-Storage in Palmones
Within a 25-minute drive of the Gibraltar border, uStore-it self-storage in Palmones is in the perfect location. Customers can utilise the facilities for parcel deliveries, freight storage and even house removals. Whether you’re after commercial or personal self-storage in the South of Spain, you’re in safe hands with uStore-it.
Where is uStore-it Self-Storage in Palmones?
We are pleased to advise we’re just 5 minutes from everything you need and the heart of the town of Los Barrios. The full address for uStore-it Palmones is as follows:
- Calle Dragaminas 32, Palmones, Los Barrios, 11379
- Telephone: +34 956 776 195 or +34 629 384 312
Although should you wish to contact us online, there’s a handy enquiry form available here.
Information about uStore-it
As a growing franchise, each of our 5 locations caters for the Costa del Sol with the same standard of customer service. We’re proud to advise uStore-it is an established business, having first opened its doors in Manilva in 2015.
Our flagship store provided storage solutions to a marketplace that was, at the time, largely untouched. Yet a shift in behaviour from the locals, relocated ex-pats and businesses alike called for the need of additional storage space. After all, the combination of a property boom and a wider reach for Spanish tourism has brought people to the region for a whole number of reasons.
Spain has become ever more popular for those relocating or setting up renovation projects. As well as companies taking advantage of the thriving economy. Palmones has a position that’s just 5 minutes from Gibraltar, as such catering for those on both sides of the border.
Services Available with uStore-it
The key to our success is of getting the basics right first and foremost. Customers have come to expect just what it says on the tin, self-storage for both personal and commercial use.
There is a range of units available, starting from small lockups allowing space for a handful of archive boxes or important valuables. Whereas the larger units can become your stock room, delivery depot or somewhere quiet to physically carry out your work. Alternatively, we can offer advice for storing your household items. Whereby there’s space for everything from belongings of a sentimental value to furniture storage of an entire family home.
In fact, we can even help with your big move, whereby using our free van hire you can utilise uStore-it as a halfway point. Perfect if you’re in a moment of transition, requiring storage in Palmones for either a temporary or long-term solution.
Whatever storage concerns you may have, uStore-it self-storage in Palmones has you covered. We can also take the stress out of your deliveries, simply name us as your shipping address and with prior knowledge we can act as a parcel reception facility.
uStore-it Self-Storage, Palmones
As part of the uStore-it franchise, our conveniently located Palmones store have a large number of units available. For further information, make an enquiry online or give us a call.