Self-Storage and Franchising with uStore-it
There are many benefits to renting a unit with uStore-it, likewise when it comes to our franchising business model. Although combining the two and it’s a winning combination, that’s why if you go into one of our franchise partnerships you’re almost guaranteed to succeed!
Why Self-Storage in Costa del Sol?
10 years ago, the self-storage industry was hardly even a thing in Costa del Sol. Yet, with the price of property rising and a trend in money-saving downsizing projects, uStore-it found a window of opportunity.
It’s a safe and secure way to store your belongings, without any long-term commitments. Likewise, we also offer storage facilities for local companies which help keep their overheads down. Then, there are the other services that help boost business, such as free van hire and around-the-clock surveillance.
After all, there’s no business without a customer base to get you started. Plus, there’s far more to it than simply opening up empty storage space. As such, we ensure a range of facilities is covered with a wide selection of sizes available.
Why Franchising with uStore-it?
Having opened our Manilva branch in 2015, La Linea and Duquesa Port followed suit. Then, with our franchising plan in place it was clear a solid customer base is available within every corner of the Costa del Sol.
Since then, Alhaurin de la Torre and Palmones have been added to the franchise line-up. Both of which are more often than not operating at full capacity. This in itself hasn’t just happened by chance, as there’s a whole host of additional work that goes on behind the scenes.
That’s why franchising is such a popular choice for a business venture. It comes with all the marketing and sales support needed to get things started. Not only that, we’re beside you every step of the way.
It’s also been well-documented in recent years that franchises in Spain are more likely to stay open beyond the first 12 months than any other form of business. By which point, you’ll already be well-established with uStore-it. Even more so, given we’ve been there and done it all before, several times over.
What’s more, you don’t have to go all in if you don’t want to. There’s an express level that’s ideal for the small investors – or likewise, if you don’t feel your desired site warrants a larger facility. It also offers the flexibility to open in more than one location. However, the full-scale model is designed for those busier towns and cities. Although whichever you choose, with uStore-it franchising opportunities you’re guaranteed the same level of support.
Self-Storage Franchising Opportunities
Franchising with uStore-it couldn’t be easier. Complete our online franchise enquiry form and someone will contact you ASAP. With two different levels of entry and the whole of the Costa del Sol to choose from, you’ll soon be ready to take the self-storage industry by storm.